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Accounting, Finance & Insurance

Careers in accounting, finance and insurance can range from helping others achieve financial security all the way to channeling that entrepreneurial spirit and starting your own business. You decide!

person smiling

Two people in an office looking at a computer screen

Advertising, Digital & Marketing

Careers in advertising, digital and marketing can range from providing innovative solutions to maximizing the success of your own enterprise. You decide!

Baking & Culinary

Careers in baking and culinary can range from how to safely prepare food all the way to creating culinary, baking and confectionary masterpieces. You decide!

person smiling

Person smiling working on computer

Data Analytics

Careers in data analytics can range from harnessing data in diverse business scenarios to pursuing advanced research. You decide!

Fashion & Beauty

Careers in fashion and beauty can range from product development and management all the way to creating aesthetic works of art. You decide!

Model with eyes closed wearing makeup

person smiling

Hospitality & Tourism

Careers in hospitality and tourism range from leading teams and managing logistics to executing elaborate large-scale events. You decide!

Legal Studies & Government

Careers in legal studies range from research to representing clients in court. You decide!

person smiling

Business person smiling at desk holding cell phone

Management & Leadership

Careers in management and leadership range from finance, human resources, marketing, and operations all the way to starting your own business. You decide!

Sport, Recreation & Leisure

Careers in golf, sport, recreation and leisure range from event and program coordination to supervising various operations within the industry. You decide!

person smiling