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Accounting Student Shares His Insights and Experiences as an Intern at Inuit Canada

Zekeriya Dirbo, a tax intern at Intuit Canada, reflects on the significance of attention to detail in accounting, the importance of adaptability, and the valuable support he was provided with by his Placement Advisor throughout the internship.

The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned About Work and Career

The most important thing I learned is the significance of attention to detail. Accounting required meticulousness and precision, as even the smallest errors can have significant consequences. Through my internship, I realized that double-checking my work and paying close attention to detail not only reflects my professionalism but also helps maintain the integrity and reliability of the financial information I handle. Additionally, I learned the importance of effective time management and prioritization skills to meet deadlines and handle multiple tasks efficiently in a fast-paced work environment.

The Most Valuable Thing I’ve Learned About Myself

The most valuable thing I learned about myself was my ability to adapt and learn quickly. As an intern, I was exposed to various accounting software, processes, and industry-specific terminology that I had limited knowledge about before starting. However, I approached each task with enthusiasm and a growth mindset, embracing the opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills. Through this experience, I discovered that I possess a natural curiosity and aptitude for learning new concepts and technologies, which allowed me to adapt to different situations and contribute effectively to the team. This self-awareness has encouraged me to continue seeking out new challenges and opportunities for growth throughout my career.

How My Placement Advisor Supported or Assisted Me with Placement

My Placement Advisor played a crucial role in supporting and assisting me throughout my internship as an Accountant. They provided guidance and advice during the application and interview process, helping me highlight my relevant skills and experiences. They also helped me identify potential companies that aligned with my career goals and interests.

Words of Wisdom or Advice to Future Students

For future students embarking on internships or seeking to build a successful career, I have a few words of wisdom to share:

Embrace every opportunity: Treat every task and experience, whether small or insignificant, as an opportunity for growth and learning. Be proactive in seeking out new challenges and stepping outside your comfort zone to broaden your skill set.

Build relationships: Networking is a vital aspect of career development. Take the time to connect with your colleagues, supervisors, and professionals in your field of interest. Cultivating strong relationships can open doors to new opportunities and provide valuable guidance and mentorship.

Be adaptable: The professional world is dynamic, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances is crucial. Embrace new technologies, industry trends, and different work environments. Demonstrate your flexibility and willingness to learn, as these qualities will set you apart and contribute to your success.

Stay motivated and persevere: The journey to a successful career can be challenging, but staying motivated and persevering through obstacles and setbacks is important. Maintain a positive mindset.

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