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International Business Program Coordinator Joins the Editorial Committee of Scholarly Journal

Bachelor of Commerce - International Business Professor & Program Coordinator Pierre-Pascal Gendron has joined the Editorial Committee of the African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal (AMTJ). He will assume the role of Editor.

The AMTJ is an applied scientific journal that is double-blind peer-reviewed. The journal publishes original high-quality research papers that use analytical, empirical, and contemporary methods across the whole spectrum of taxation research. It is an initiative of the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), an international organization that acts as a platform for promoting cooperation, knowledge sharing, and capacity building among African revenue administrations.

Pierre-Pascal assigns student-directed research reports in all the senior courses he teaches. His long-standing experience as a journal referee and now editor contributes to the improvement of the quality of the guidance and feedback he provides to students.

Pierre-Pascal Gendron

African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal

Pierre-Pascal's experience as a journal referee and now editor contributes to the improvement of the quality of the guidance and feedback he provides to students.

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