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International Business Professor Co-directs Thesis Project

Bachelor of Commerce - International Business Program Coordinator, Pierre-Pascal Gendron, served as co-director of the Master's thesis project by Carlos Manuel Milanés Pérez. 

This co-supervision is part of an active academic exchange between the Centro de Investigaciones Socioeconómicas (CISE) of the Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, in Saltillo, Mexico and the Longo Faculty of Business.

The thesis was titled Alcohol y tabaco en México: Impuestos especiales y patrones de gasto por los hogares [Alcohol and tobacco in Mexico: Special taxes and household expenditure patterns], Maestría en Economía Regional, Centro de Investigaciones Socioeconómicas, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Saltillo, México.

Carlos graduated in August 2020, and his thesis was accepted with distinction by the thesis committee

Carlos Manuel Milanés Pérez standing outside of Unidad Campo Redondo

Carlos Manuel Milanés Pérez

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