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International Business Association Organizes Successful Panel Event on Navigating Cultural Differences in Business

The International Business Association (IBA) recently hosted its first in-person event since the pandemic, focusing on the theme of Managing Cultural Differences in Business. The panel workshop featured esteemed guest panellists, including three graduates of the International Business program: Erika Folgar and Kashni Kalra, from the Class of 2020, and Lionel Campbell, from the Class of 2021. The event was attended by students from the International Business, Digital Business Management, and Marketing programs, and was held at the Lakeshore Campus on March 28th.

The panel discussion was moderated by Andres Molina and Jordan Wong, and the event was made possible through the efforts of Events Planner Rachel Rousseau. The panellists shared their professional experiences in dealing with cultural differences in the workplace and answered thematic questions posed by the audience.

The event was a resounding success, providing valuable insights and practical tips for navigating cultural nuances in international business settings. The association looks forward to hosting more engaging and informative events in the future, as it continues to promote excellence in international business education and professional development among its members.

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IBA panellist presenting on cultural diferences

IBA panellist presenting on cultural diferences

IBA panellists

Group photo of International Business students