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Insurance Management Alumni Win National IIC Academic Awards

Insurance Management program (IMPG) alumni, Vinita Tanwar and Ritesh Mahajan, have been awarded three prestigious academic awards from the Insurance Institute of Canada (IIC).

As co-award winners, both alumni will be recognized for their accomplishments at IIC’s GTA Convocation have been presented with the following academic awards by the IIC:

  1.  The Tretiak Memorial Prize for best first-year student in a full-time insurance program
  2. The Frank Dougan Prize for top graduating student from a full-time insurance program
  3. The Gerald E. Hackett Memorial Prize for top student in the CIP Program.

These national awards indicate that the top two performing students amongst insurance college programs across Canada were both from Humber's Insurance Management program.

This is also the second year that a Humber IMPG student has received these awards in the last three years - and also the only years that the program has been in existence. The last student to win this award was alumnus Harold Zhiquan Pan in 2017/2018.

"Overall, it is a great achievement for the Insurance Management Program and a true reflection of the high calibre faculty that teach the CIP course component. The dedication and level of instruction of Professors Annette Palalas, Kelly Hopkins and Ron Thomas are truly best-in-class." - John McNeil, Insurance Management Program Coordinator

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