The Entrepreneurial Enterprise Business Management students were given an assignment to grow a business. Teams were formed to create and implement strategies to sell tote bags on the Enactus Humber Shopify site. These bags were purchased to help support women in India striving to become independent entrepreneurs. The initiative is called NariCan, meaning Women Can.
The assignment kicked off at the beginning of November and the students only had 4 weeks to sell the bags. Each team came up with its own approach, some focusing on the social enterprise aspect, others leveraging the upcoming holiday season, and others on the bags themselves. Regardless of which strategy students used applying creative ideas to sell products was evident. Some produced emotional videos talking about how the sale of these bags would support these women. Some focused on finding influencers to help sell the bags. One team had a model showcasing how the bags could be worn and used. Even door-to-door selling was tried. All in all, students used their ingenuity to accomplish the one goal, growing a business and selling bags.
In total, the students raised $600, were able to sell over 20 bags, helped bring attention to both Enactus Humber, the Shopify page, and the ultimate cause, supporting this project. While some teams sold more than others they all learned valuable lessons in running a business, which was the main objective of the assignment.
Halakon Bag
Vimaan Bag
Phool Bag