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Inside NTN Canada: Career Insights and Strategies

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By Hanadi Alnawab

Digital Business Management students had the privilege of visiting NTN Canada and spending a morning with the President and senior executive team. In a highly interactive and engaging session, the team generously shared their career journeys and discussed the value of soft skills, teamwork, and the power of "We" over "I." They also emphasized the importance of cultural fit and offered tips for job interviews and success strategies.

NTN Canada is a leading provider of bearing services which include technical support, maintenance and reliability services, engineering consulting and training. The NTN executives highlighted the critical role of teamwork in their daily operations, stating, "Group projects: we live that every day! We cannot survive without a team; we need all sorts of people and skills in the team."

Thanks you to Paul, Ken, Rita, Sylvia, Marcus, Sophia, and Lubnaa for their insights and time.

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Digital Business Management students taking a group photo outside of the NTN Canada building with senior executive team

Digital Business Management listening to a presentation