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Humber Empowers International Student's Global Culinary Journey

Ben Roche, a passionate learner from the South East Technological University (SETU) in Ireland, seized the opportunity to broaden his horizons by embarking on a study abroad adventure in the Culinary Management program at Humber. In doing so, he discovered that immersing oneself in a foreign country offers remarkable cultural experiences and allows for continued academic growth.

During his stay, Ben undertook an on-campus field experience, which afforded him hands-on training alongside esteemed chefs in the bustling kitchen and the renowned on-campus restaurant and learning lab, The Humber Room. "I enjoyed working in The Humber Room the most. It was great working with people from different parts of the world, learning from their experiences and how they do things.”  shared Ben Roche, reflecting on his time at Humber.

While relishing the opportunity to collaborate with fellow students from various, Ben encountered the challenge of navigating intercultural communication. “Being from a different country and working with other international students, it was sometimes difficult to understand one another. I often had to remember to slow down while speaking," he confessed. Drawing from his experience, Ben offered valuable advice to future students, emphasizing the importance of financial planning, fostering lifelong friendships, and embracing the joyous moments that come with the journey. "You can make friends for life, especially with other international students," he warmly advised.

Embrace novelty and enrich your resume with a remarkable postsecondary global experience through a study abroad program. With the promise of unparalleled personal and professional growth, the rewards will undoubtedly exceed your expectations.

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