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Strategic Marketing Professor Creates Recipe for Presentation Success

How do you make a marketing plan presentation about food products interactive and exciting? In Business - Marketing, a major project in MKTG 255: Strategic Marketing is designed for students to gain experience in product development and marketing. During Fall 2019 Professor Sheila Moore shook up the traditional presentation format by creating a tradeshow-style setting. The new presentation format made use of the innovative layout and multiple digital screens in Humber’s HIVE classrooms.

The challenge for this project was to devise a healthy new meal option for Gourmet Express. Students worked in teams to analyze the competition and current food trends, brainstorm new product ideas and create a marketing plan for their chosen product. Faculty and students were invited to experience the Strategic Marketing presentations, speak with students about their projects and sample the product. Special guests included Senior Dean, Alvina Cassiani, Associate Deans Mark Hanna and Rudi Fischbacher and Gourmet Express management.

Sheila also encouraged students to think outside the box for their presentations. Many students focused on digital technology, including infographics, video and creatives images to allow their presentations to speak for themselves. The class also attended an infographics session, taught by librarian Ewan Gibson as part of Humber’s new Idea Lab, and found it to be a valuable resource.

Summit Kombucha, created by Mohannie Budhu, Natasha Kaur, Haeun Park, and Jahanne Rafio stood out from the rest. The students used an app to create an eye-catching animated video to present their marketing plan.

Summit Kombucha tea - Mohannie Budhu, Natasha Kaur, Haeun Park, and Jahanne Rafio

Summit Kombucha video presentation

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