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Municipal Governance Students Visit Toronto City Hall

HLOs: Systems Thinking IconCritical Thinking IconCommunication IconProfessionalism Icon

Public Administration students in PPA 5007: Canadian Municipal Government course had the unique opportunity to visit Toronto City Hall, courtesy of Deputy Mayor of West Area and Etobicoke-Lakeshore Councillor Amber Morley.

Accompanied by Professor David Hutcheon, a former City of Toronto Councillor, Deputy Mayor, and Budget Chief, the students observed proceedings at the Infrastructure and Environment Committee. Chairperson Jennifer McKelvie, Deputy Mayor for the east area of the City, and Councillor Scarborough-Rouge Valley introduced the students to the committee and attendees, while Deputy Mayor of the north area and Eglington-Lawrence Councillor Mike Colle provided an impromptu lecture.

Following the committee session, the students engaged in a briefing and question-and-answer session with Amber Morley, gaining valuable insights into municipal governance firsthand.

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Public Administration students with Toronto City Counsel members

Former City of Toronto Councillor, Deputy Mayor and Budget Chief and Public Administration Professor David Hutcheon pictured holding the Flag of Toronto and Amber Morley, dressed in white in the centre of the group.