On March 7th, Professor Farah Jamal Karmali delivered the Keynote Address at the Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario (ILCO) Annual Education Awards Ceremony. The ceremony recognized law clerks enrolled in the ILCO program who have achieved academic excellence. ILCO is an association that provides professional development and networking opportunities for law clerks after they have graduated from college.
Farah has been contributing to ILCO in various capacities over the years. Farah's book, Corporate Law for Ontario Businesses, 2nd edition (Thomson Reuters, 2017) was adopted as the official textbook for teaching corporate law at ILCO several years ago; she has also developed ILCO's corporate law curriculum. Farah spoke about the need to build a career and live life with a purpose.
The Awards Ceremony was particularly special as family members of the late Mr. V. James Bristow, one of the co-founders of ILCO who recently passed, were present.