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Law Professor Brings Real-World Expertise to the Classroom

A distinguishing feature of professors at the Longo Faculty of Business is their real-world experience and networks which add considerable value to students. Farah Jamal Karmali, a full-time faculty member teaching law in the Paralegal graduate certificate, Paralegal Education diploma, Law Clerk diploma, and Professional Accounting Practice graduate certificate programs, epitomizes this blend of practical experience and academic knowledge.

Farah is the author of Corporate Law for Ontario Businesses, Third Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2022) and serves as a Deputy Judge of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Small Claims Court) in the Central East Region. As a result, Farah provides a unique perspective to students who may appear before Deputy Judges in Small Claims Court once they graduate and become licensed by the Law Society of Ontario.

In April 2024, Farah was invited by the Deputy Judges Council to present on loan agreement issues to Deputy Judges across Ontario at the annual Caswell Seminar. She was one of three Deputy Judges chosen to present at all six locations, from Thunder Bay to Sudbury, alongside justices of the Superior Court of Justice.

During these sessions, the high calibre of Humber’s paralegal graduates was acknowledged. Jay Meunier, a Deputy Judge in Timmins, Ontario, and partner at Meunier Carrier Lawyers shared with Farah that they were "very impressed at Meunier Carrier Lawyers with the program offered at Humber for paralegals. We have one of your students in her second semester of her first year who has shown outstanding knowledge and practical experience while she works for us remotely and in the office at breaks."

Additionally, Claudia Scarciolla, a 2017 graduate of the Paralegal diploma program, is now the Assistant to the Deputy Judges Council in the Office of the Chief Justice, Ontario Superior Court of Justice. She is instrumental in organizing the Caswell Seminars along with Madam Justice Ntoukas, Administrative Judge of the Ontario Small Claims Court. When asked what advice she would give to paralegal graduates, Claudia stated, “we are all on our own journey, and although the goal in the paralegal program is to become a paralegal, there are so many different opportunities that it can lead to. I love my job, and I wouldn’t be in this role today without the education I received from Humber, the amazing professors, and my fellow students."

The success and recognition of Humber’s paralegal graduates are a testament to the exceptional education and mentorship provided by professors like Farah Jamal Karmali at the Longo Faculty of Business.

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Professor Farah Jamal Karmali

Professor Farah Jamal Karmali

Paralegal graduate Claudia Scarciolla

Paralegal graduate Claudia Scarciolla