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Humber's Chef Shonah Participates in Video Chef Cookalongs on Replate: Waste Less Food Initiative

With 17% of food ending up in the trash at consumer level, we can all make food choices that reduce waste and improve our global food system. Longo Faculty of Business is proud of Humber Culinary Chef Shonah's participation in this online initiative that aims to inspire people to rethink their diets and pay attention to what's on their plates, every mealtime.

Shonah has always treated ingredients with the respect they deserve – by fully utilizing them and wasting as little as possible. She shares her knowledge and passion for local and seasonal ingredients with her students.

Visit to cookalong with Chef Shonah while she celebrates the carrot and find out more about how you can reduce your food waste at home.

Chef Shonah

Humber Culinary Chef Shonah participates in an online initiative that aims to inspire people to rethink their diets and pay attention to what's on their plates, every mealtime.

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