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Business Placement Advisor Becomes a Published Author

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Placement Advisor Sanjukta Das published her poetry collection in December 2022. My Twirls The Said and The Unsaid is a collection of twenty-one prose poems with sketches that paved the path to healing and claiming the personal well-being of Sanjukta.

“As I left behind 2022 and stepped into 2023 receiving the proof copy for my first book it felt surreal to be able to hold it in my hands. I was reminded of the first time I held my sons when they were born,” said Sanjukta. “My first authored book felt no different! I welcomed 2023 telling myself the journey to authorship begins! The feeling of the first can't be explained in words and that's what I’ve experienced. I am grateful to all who made this monumental shift in my life, possible!"

Sanjukta’s inspiration to compose a collection of free-flowing prose poetry that does not confine to any form comes from her love of words and stems from a will to transform her darkest moments into something beautiful. Her book touches on the loss of her mother, family flaws, heartbreak, grief, isolation, and her deep faith in spirituality. The imperfect illustrations are a heartfelt exploration of self-reflection for healing through sketching. She wrote this collection to share her story and advocate writing to restore harmony within

In this debut collection of prose poems, Sanjukta discovers the therapeutic quality of writing and sketching along with it. The loss of her mother and other turns in her family structure in 2022 transported her to a space of profound grief and led her to write. In her writing, she found solace. The collection also reflects Sanjukta’s coping style, values of life, faith, and how significantly she holds onto them to steer forward.

“I believe healing is a process. The pandemic took us through many mental trials. In this collection, I have tried to capture the time, and experience in my journey towards peace and letting go,” said Sanjukta.

About Sanjukta

Born and educated in India, Sanjukta migrated to Canada in her forties and is now an author based in Toronto, Canada.

From her childhood, Sanjukta was always inspired by the arts. In the tumult of her busy career as a placement advisor, where she is in constant interaction with students - poetry emerged as an inviting and consoling outlet with a unique power to let go and move on. This connected her to the calling of her life; writing. She is also an ardent advocate of women's empowerment and an inspirational speaker who promotes self-love, mental health, and her journey as an immigrant woman.

Life Outside of Writing

Sanjukta is an educator, an ‘Art of Living’ meditation teacher, the founder of WINGS (Women’s Initiatives to Nurture, Grow & Support) - a non-profit organization for women, and a life coach. When she is not writing, Sanjukta loves meeting immigrant women and international students, getting to know their concerns and helping them settle in this country that they have chosen to make their own.


Her mission is to help people find hope, and inner strength, and gather the courage to start again. She hopes that more people around the world will find ways to unapologetically express themselves and encourage others to learn how to meditate and reach their full potential.

Future References

Sanjukta is currently working on her second book and immersing herself in her next creative endeavour. She hopes to continue exploring expression and the art of healing through her favourite genre of prose poetry for years to come.

When asked how she feels as a published author, she claims, “this book is a reminder to all creators that sometimes even the most extraordinary talent can go unnoticed in a familiar environment - but I have been fortunate! There are brilliant minds and gifted professionals all around me where I work. The recognition and appreciation I receive is much more than I deserve. I feel blessed to work in an academic environment that is very encouraging, inclusive and has helped me become the person I am today. A workplace that has moulded me to find my worth as an immigrant woman that believed in my skills to connect and follow my heart - feeling proud, my workplace has helped me thrive. As my book was published, I felt appreciated; a place where my talents are valued, and my voice is heard.”

“So, to all the creators, dreamers, and makers, listen to your instincts, follow your heart, and recognize your worth. If you have a gift to share with the world, a tale to tell or a song to sing, don’t wait! The time is now!”

Why read this book – For a taste of what life looks like as you age and how one can find meaning even when all seems lost. For making sense of life knowing that it doesn’t make sense but still needs to be lived with grace and appreciated for all the beauty and magic that one experiences.

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Sanjukta Das posing with her new book

"I feel blessed to work in an academic environment that is very encouraging, inclusive and has helped me become the person I am today; a workplace that has moulded me to find my worth as an immigrant woman that believed in my skills to connect and follow my heart..." - Sanjukta Das